WildLife Removal & Evacuations
A+ Animal Solutions

A+ Animal Solutions is Florida's premier nuisance wildlife control company.

We provide the residents of Florida an ethical option for dealing with unwanted critters.

The immense beauty and complexity of our planet comes from the countless life forms it enables; from various exotic plants to diverse animals. Although we appreciate this intricacy from a distance, our perspective can change when wildlife starts to encroach on our property. A raccoon screeching in your backyard or a mouse squeaking in your attic is enough to irritate you. This is expected considering that their presence mostly conflicts with our interests. They are carriers of several diseases. They cause structural damage which can result in collapse or even fire hazards. They pollute our vicinity with their urine and droppings, giving off foul-smells. Therefore, we need to get them back to where they truly belong – the wild!

Our team of licensed wildlife control experts believes in responsible, humane trapping and relocation of nuisance wildlife.

What is Wildlife Control?

Wildlife control is the process of solving problems that arise from wildlife conflicts and nuisance wildlife situations. It is usually carried out by a wildlife control operator (WCO), who has been adequately trained and licensed by the government. Ultimately, the goal is to design an effective solution to identify wildlife intruders, humanely remove them, and ensure that they do not return.

Wildlife control involves the removal of wildlife species such as raccoons, squirrels, rodents, bats, opossums, armadillos, birds, snakes, skunks, and chipmunks.

We exclude and control hogs, skunks, raccoons, squirrels, rats, snakes, opossums, armadillos, bats, and more.

Things You Need to Know About Wildlife Removal

When you come in contact with unwanted wildlife on your property, the knee-jerk response is usually to eliminate them. However, this could land you in trouble. Here are the four most important things you need to know before taking matters into your hands.

1) You might need a permit

Some states offer protection to wildlife like raccoons, snakes, squirrels, and skunks. As a result, the mere removal of this protected wildlife from your property without the necessary license can land you in legal troubles. Some states observe gaming seasons, in which killing of some wildlife outside their gaming window is illegal.

2) Do your research

When dealing with a wildlife problem, it is advisable to understand the extent of what you’re dealing with in terms of legal liabilities and potential threats. For instance, in some states, you have to prove that a ‘nuisance wildlife’ poses either health or safety concerns before they can be removed by a licensed professional.

In terms of threat, care should be taken when dealing with wildlife, as they may be disease carriers. Raccoons, for instance, are known to defecate at a specific location. Their feces carry a special type of roundworm that is pernicious to human health. Therefore, trying to clear raccoon feces from your yard exposes you to the risk of infection.

3) Engage a professional

Wildlife control operators are usually trained in the principles of wildlife control management. They try to solve the wildlife problem with a holistic perspective, considering the ethical, social, economic and biological dimensions of wildlife management. Engaging a professional will ensure that an optimal solution is reached.

4) Never sell wildlife

In most states, it is illegal to sell, keep, or give away wildlife that is caught on your property. All captured wildlife must be humanely dispatched to approved areas by a licensed professional. Keeping trapped animals can land you in trouble.

5) 24 hours availability

Nuisance wildlife can show up at any time of the day, or any day of the week, this is why we are always available. We offer 24/7 wildlife control services to residential properties.

If you have wildlife on your property, no need to wait.

What Wildlife Removal Services Do.

By now, you should understand the delicacy involved in dealing with wildlife. Therefore, involving a professional is wise because they understand the nuances in this domain. Wildlife removal services usually offer a fully-integrated wildlife control program to remove nuisance wildlife from your property and ultimately prevent them from returning. Here are some major services they render:

1) Inspection

This involves a full-scale inspection of your property. A full inspection involves examining all nooks and crannies, including the ground floor areas (A/C lines, vents, etc.), middle-level areas (dryer vents dormers, etc.), roof area (ridge caps, plumbing stacks, etc.), and attic. A full inspection allows them to identify the species they’re dealing with and their numbers.

2) Trapping and Removal

After inspection, the next step is to remove the wildlife most effectively. Here are some of the means that can be employed depending on the most efficient:

Trapping: This involves setting a trap to capture the animals.

Removal by hand: Wildlife can also be removed by hand or special tools like snare poles.

Good removal services usually remove wildlife in the most humane way possible as defined by the law.

3) Decontamination and Repairs

As we’ve said, droppings and urine of some wildlife usually carry diseases and emit a pungent smell. Furthermore, their remnants can attract insects or encourage the growth of molds. Therefore, it is important to destroy all organic matter and deodorize the spaces. Finally, all structural and electrical damages caused by wildlife have to be fixed.

Benefits of Humane Wildlife Removal

Wildlife animals, like us, are driven by their survival instinct. Therefore, it is important to handle their removal in a humane manner. Doing so will ensure that:

1) Wildlife animals are unharmed and the ecosystem is preserved

Sometimes, killing wildlife might be unwise. For instance, some species of bats are endangered, yet they play a crucial role in the balance of the ecosystem. Killing them can have a negative ripple effect on plants that depend on them for pollination and other animals, that invariably depend on the survival of that plant. Not killing them ensures that the food chain isn’t disrupted.

2) A longer-term solution

Indiscriminately killing wildlife fails to address the fundamental question: why they are there in the first place. A humane approach to wildlife control critically examines these questions so that when these nuisance wildlife animals are excluded, there is no way for them to return.


As our habitats continue to go deeper into the wild, our contact with wildlife is constantly increasing, even in urban environments. Although our interests don’t usually align, we have to find a way to accommodate each other to ensure that the ecosystem is balanced. Wildlife control provides a means through which we can keep wildlife away from our property while causing minimal discomfort to them.