Raccoon Removal| Fast & Accurate Wildlife Control

Humane Wildlife Removal and exterminator in Miami Florida

Raccoons are intriguing and dexterous creatures known for their mischievousness. Although they are wild animals, they have adapted to living in urban environments, even intruding into homes. As great climbers, they sometimes build their nests in attic spaces, even raising their litters of babies there. With their agility and strength, they destroy anything that lies in their path. From breaking into garbage cans, ripping holes through denning areas, and even killing smaller pets, raccoons can be serious nuisances. They carry canine distemper and rabies, which is harmful to unvaccinated dogs and humans if transmitted. Their feces contain a special breed of roundworm eggs that is pernicious to

With their egregious credentials, it’s little wonder why they are despised. But they couldn’t care less! They are unyielding and will continue to invade your property. However, critical actions must be taken to consistently keep them away from your home. In this article, we’ll look at some common attractions for raccoons and how to handle a raccoon infestation.

What Attracts Raccoons?

Like most animals, raccoons are attracted to food and shelter. However, due to their high intelligence, curiosity, and adaptation to the urban environment, they draw no line in their quest to seek these necessities.

1) Food

Human settlements are usually filled with food that raccoons crave. Although they are mainly nocturnal, it is not unusual for them to gather food during the daytime. Common sources of food include leftover foods in trash cans, pet food, fresh soda and grubs, goldfish ponds, bird feeders, dumpsters, chicken coops, and gardens with fruits like cherries and apples.

2) Shelter

In the wild, raccoons find solace in fallen tree trunks or abandoned burrows. However, they have learned to live in spaces like attics, crawl spaces, and basements. Female raccoons, especially, love to live in attics because it provides warmth and security from weather and vicious predators, due to their enclosed nature. Furthermore, attics are close to abundant food sources, making it the perfect spot to raise their kits.

Signs of a Raccoon Infestation

There are three basic steps in opossum removal. They are inspection, treatment and decontamination, and prevention.

1) Strong Scent of Feces or Urine

As a raccoon lives in a home, its feces and urine accumulate. With time, it begins to give off a strong
smell. When their den is located, avoid touching their feces, as it carries several diseases.

2) Structural Damage

Raccoons are highly destructive. With their nimble fingers, they will tear off insulation papers, rip off pipes, rip open ducts, and dislodge chimney caps. With their sharp teeth, they usually chew on wood and electrical wires. If you notice damage to different places in your home including shutters, vents, shingles or even scratches, this might be an indication of a raccoon infestation.

3) Strange noises

As raccoons are nocturnal, they are usually hyperactive at night. Raccoons produce a variety of sounds including purring, snarling, hissing, growling, chittering, screeching and whimpering. If you notice any of these strange sounds coming out of your walls, crawl spaces, or attic, it might be a raccoon.

Dealing with a Raccoon Infestation

Due to the menace caused by raccoons, it is important to exclude them from entering your property.
Once you’ve established that a raccoon is in your property, the necessary steps should be taken to
remove them and prevent reentry.

1) Remove Food and Water:

As we’ve stated, raccoons invade your home or yard in search of food. By removing food sources, you make your property less inviting. This can be achieved by:
  • Removing trash and securing garbage cans.
  • Cleaning up any leftover food, drinks, or pet food lying around in your yard.
  • Ensuring that all fallen berries, nuts, and fruits in your yard are properly disposed of.

2) Identify The Extent of Damage:

By investigating the extent of the damage caused, you get to know where the raccoon spends most of its time, enabling you to launch a targeted control method. Also, you can pinpoint vulnerable points that need to be repaired to prevent reentry. Some usual places with high raccoon activity include:
  • Attics
  •  Porches
  •  Gardens or fish ponds
  • Trash can areas

3) Choose the Right Control Method

It is important to note that raccoons are classified as furbearers in many states. This means that you
need a license or permit to trap or hunt them. Furthermore, it is illegal to kill them indiscriminately,
even when they cause you havoc. Therefore, it is advisable to employ a licensed professional to aid
with the removal. Some of the common methods of removal include:

Live Traps
Live traps can be used to manually remove raccoons from your home. All you have to do is bait your
trap accordingly. You must also check the trap frequently to ensure that the raccoon does not stay for
too long in the cage before disposal, as this is also illegal in some states.

Raccoon Repellents
Raccoon repellents can be applied to areas frequented by raccoons on your property, like trash cans.
Raccoons are persistent so it may take several weeks before they associate a repellent with an area
and learn to stay clear of it. Some common repellents include odor repellents like hot pepper
repellent. Raccoons have a good sense of smell, and they detest the smell of pepper.

Usually, the best strategy to apply depends on a variety of factors like the location of the raccoon or if
it has little cubs. For instance, if an adult with a litter of baby raccoons is living in your attic, care must
be taken to first remove the babies while cautious of an imminent attack from the mother.
Thereafter, the live babies are used as bait to lure the mother into a trap cage. This process is quite
difficult and must be executed perfectly. This is why it is best to involve the service of a licensed
professional for raccoon removal.

4) Decontamination:

After successful removal, it is important to remove their droppings, hair, urine, nesting materials and so on, as they can attract insects like cockroaches. Also, the scent can attract new raccoons that might attempt to break in. Moreover, special care must be taken while removing their feces as they can cause diseases like Leptospirosis and Salmonella. Their feces also contain roundworm eggs that can infect people.

5) Repairs

Finally, all damages caused by raccoons have to be repaired. This involves fixing cut electrical wires,
damaged pipes and insulation. Furthermore, potential reentry points should be reinforced to make
sure that raccoon problems do not arise in the future.

Damage That Raccoons Do to Your Home or Building

Raccoons are a serious nuisance if they make it into your home, as their sheer size makes them clumsy and destructive. However, this depends on the individual raccoon: some raccoons stick mostly to the edges of any crawlspace like an attic, many do not touch the insulation, and most use one or two spaces to deposit their bodily waste. Regardless, raccoons make bad tenants more often than they make good ones.

Raccoons weigh a lot: anywhere between 20-30 lbs. (9-14 kg), which means that in attics, raccoons walking on insulation compress it, making it less effective. When it comes to a mother raccoon with kits (the most common scenario involving raccoons in an attic) the mother will often flatten a large area for their young, at times even choosing to shred the insulation. Insulation that is shredded or flattened does not insulate as well, leading to heat leaking through your roof, potentially impacting your heating bill.

During their stay in the attic, raccoons like to explore what lays inside: they will tear apart vents out of curiosity, sometimes electrocuting themselves in the process and leaving a foul odor; sometimes, they will attack pipe insulation, which can lead to inefficient water heating; and very often, they will accidentally damage wires while trying to claw through your wall, posing a fire risk to you as well as a risk of death to themselves. Raccoons tend to pose a greater fire risk than other pests due to their tendency to tear everything apart, turning your attic into a giant kindling pile ready to blow at the flick of a switch. Additionally, raccoons tend to pose a risk of structural failure in your attic by gnawing on the wood beams supporting the roof, making it essential that you inspect your attic beams for signs of raccoon damage.

However, one of the worst things a raccoon will do is leave their waste everywhere: raccoon poop carries a mix of potentially lethal diseases, like leptospirosis, raccoon roundworm, canine distemper, and giardia, among others. These diseases, especially roundworm, can become airborne if disturbed, making it essential to wear safety equipment when disinfecting an attic that was visited by raccoons. Ideally, a raccoon clean-up operation should be left to professionals. We at A+ Animal Solutions both possess the equipment and the expertise to decontaminate an attic and to remove any scents which may attract raccoons in the future.

raccoon removal

How to Get Raccoons Out of Your Chimney

Nobody wants to hear they’ve got raccoons stuck in their chimney. Or worse, coming down it. And yet, raccoons in chimneys seem to be a really common problem, one that we keep running into here, at A+ Animal Solutions. 

So we thought it might be useful to share with you some tips about how you can remove raccoons from your chimney safely and efficiently. For us at A+ Animal Solutions, humane options are essential!

First off, why is it bad to have raccoons in your chimney?

You don’t want to get raccoons stuck in your chimney for a few reasons. First off, it’s inhumane and painful for the raccoon, as it’s probably stuck in an uncomfortable position or may have trouble accessing food. To learn more about why raccoons get into chimney visit

Second, there’s the issue of starting a fire, either incinerating the poor creature in it, or setting fire to its nest, which can result in a serious fire hazard to your property, and of course, your family.

Lastly, a raccoon could easily get inside your home through the chimney, so by all means, let’s get them out.

How to get raccoons out of the chimney

One of your options is to wait them out – this is also known as exclusion. Often, during the warm months (think spring and summer), mother raccoons will nest inside chimneys with their young. However, this is usually a temporary problem for the homeowner, as the mother raccoon will normally leave once the initial nesting phase is over for her babies. So there’s a good chance this problem will take care of itself, without requiring any further intervention from you. 

However, not all homeowners are so lucky, and sometimes, you might be stuck with a raccoon or family of raccoons inside your chimney for months. In that case, you’ll likely have to take extra steps to ensure their safe, yet effective, exclusion.

One method that we, at A+ Animal Solutions, have found to be somewhat effective is scaring the raccoons off using loud noises. Raccoons, like many wildlife, are easily bothered by loud noises. This is why, by banging pots near your fireplace, you might get them to exit the chimney. Of course, this is only a temporary solution, and you’ll have to take action swiftly, to prevent them from coming back in. Alternatively, some stores also sell professional raccoon sound repellents, which emit high pitched noises that will ward off raccoons.

Another option might be through smell. Like many other wildlife intruders, raccoons are said to be quite bothered by strong smells. This is why it’s not uncommon for homeowners to use pungent substances or products, like vinegar or commercial raccoon repellent to convince the raccoons to exit the chimney, and leave their property alone. However, these natural repellents are usually surrounded by some degree of confusion and misgivings, often rightly so, as they usually yield mixed results.

Last but not least, consider calling a professional raccoon removal expert. In our experience at A+ Animal Solutions, we’ve dealt with numerous situations where a raccoon was either stuck or nesting inside a chimney, and each time, we carried it out safely, avoiding any damage to the chimney itself.

Next steps

Whatever you do, once the raccoon is out of your chimney, we recommend installing a chimney cap over the chimney entrance, to prevent such problems in the future. Chimney caps are efficient and often necessary to prevent fires, and wildlife from getting trapped inside the chimney.

They’re also really efficient in protecting the inner lining and mortar of the chimney against heavy rain and flooding.

raccoon removal

How to Remove Raccoons in Your Attic

Do you hear growling sounds from your attic? Or do you hear movements or banging sounds in your attic? Chances are you have a raccoon in there. And if that’s the case, what follows will be unpleasant. 

Raccoons are very destructive critters – and their strong teeth, relatively big size and strength, and great dexterity only make them more dangerous. Aside from chewing on wood, tearing off the insulation, and leaving an ungodly amount of waste, raccoons also pose several health risks to humans and pets. 

That’s why you must act now before the problem gets out of hand. Read on to learn about our proven procedure at A+ Animal Solutions for removing raccoons in the attic. 

Let’s get right to it. 

But first, why do raccoons reside in the attic?

It’s simple. Who doesn’t like a warm, cozy place to call home? To raccoons, the attic provides warmth, comfort, and an extra layer of safety against predators. It’s no wonder pregnant raccoons in particular love to build their nests in attics. What better place to raise their young?

Get rid of raccoons in your attic.

Step 1: Assess the extent of the infestation problem. 

First off, you want to know exactly what you’re dealing with. Are their baby raccoons in the attic? Is it a single raccoon? How many raccoons are you dealing with?

To answer these questions, you need to inspect your attic. Put on your protective gears and get in there – preferably when the mother’s not around. Look out for signs of a raccoon infestation. But most importantly, check to see if there’s litter there and how many babies are in the litter. Know that this is a daunting task that can take a few hours. But working with professionals like A+ Animal Solutions can take the burden off your shoulders.  

Step 2: Remove the raccoon

Here comes the tricky part, Why? Because the best approach to take is highly dependent on the uniqueness of your infestation problem. 

Some strategies to try out include:

  • Harassment tactics

If you have a mother raccoon and her kits, as much as possible, you want to drive them out without interfering directly with them. Constant harassment might just be the best way to accomplish that. 

Examples of this strategy include placing a bright light or talking radio in your attic to make your attic space unlivable. Repellents like cayenne pepper and mothball may also help. Once the raccoon feels too uncomfortable, it is forced to leave with her kits. 

  • Live Trapping

Before you trap a raccoon, make sure you check with your local wildlife authority, so you know the legalities surrounding the trapping and relocation of raccoons in your district.

To trap a mother and her kits, first, handpick the kits (when the mother’s not around) and use them as bait to lure the mother into a live trap once she returns. For a lone raccoon, you can use peanut butter as bait. 

Once the raccoon is captured. It can then be relocated or euthanized. 

  • Exclusion

If you have a single raccoon in your attic, then raccoon exclusion is your best option. Thoroughly inspect your attic to identify potential entry holes. Seal up all the holes with caulk or steel cloth, but leave one open. Install a one-way door on the last hole. This ensures the raccoon is unable to get back in once it leaves. Then, the device can be removed and the hole sealed. 

Step 3: Clean up and decontamination

From droppings to urine to nesting materials, raccoons leave lots of waste. These wastes can quickly become a breeding ground for bacteria and pathogens. That’s why you need to clear off these wastes. But more importantly, decontaminate the entire attic space with an enzyme-based cleaner.

Step 4: Perform necessary repairs

If raccoons have damaged your insulation, wires, wood, or pipes, you need to fix them to prevent further degradation of your building. You also need to fix vulnerable spots in your roof area, so raccoons are unable to gain access to your attic in the future.

Contact Us to Remove Raccoons in Your Attic

A+ Animal Solutions can take the weight of raccoon removal off your shoulders. Not only do we work quickly and efficiently, but we also put measures in place to ensure the problem doesn’t reoccur. At the end of the day, your peace of mind is all that matters to us.

raccoon removal

How to Remove Raccoons From Under The Porch

Raccoons can be a problem when they attack your trash and leave smelly feces, but it’s even worse when they move in under the porch, especially when they convert a section of your lawn to their latrine. Raccoons carry roundworms and can pose infect your pets with them, having these animals under your porch or anywhere around your property isn’t something anyone should tolerate. 

Removing raccoons from under the porch can be very tricky. Of course, the best solution is to get an animal control specialist like A+ Animal Solutions to professionally handle the situation. However, if you want to attempt a DIY removal, here are some tricks for you to try. Never try to physically remove a raccoon yourself, these animals can be dangerous when desperate, they can be erratic and put up a fight. Let that to experts and only try the following scare tactics. 

Light up under the deck

Raccoons are nocturnal animals and enjoy nesting in dark, secluded areas. You can use this to your advantage by lighting up under the deck/porch. Bright lights under the deck will make it very unconducive for raccoons to stay in. With all the lights shining under the deck, the raccoons will leave by themselves in search of a better place. 

Introduce loud human sounds

In addition to lighting up under the porch, you take it up a notch by setting up a radio that talks for 24 hours. Animals prefer to stay in their own world without any interference from humans, they would bolt at the sound of the human voice. It’s almost ironic because these animals also invade our spaces, but the truth is that we first invaded their space. Radio with human voices and bright lights will drive raccoons away from under your deck. But make sure that you don’t turn the radio all the up, so your neighbors can have some peace. 

Drive them away with a bad smell

Another option is to try chemical repellents, such as ammonia or vinegar. Ammonia is a foul-smelling substance that every living creature would want to stay away from. You can drive raccoons away from under your deck by introducing this foul-smelling chemical. The best way to do it is by soaking a piece of rag in ammonia, trying it up in a plastic bag, and poking holes in it. You can prepare about 3 or 4 plastic bags with ammonia-soaked rags and place them under the deck, 1 at the entrance and the others inside. 

Remove food sources

Just like every other animal pest, raccoons are attracted by the presence of food and shelter. If there is an abundance of food for raccoons on your property, getting them to stay away from will be extremely difficult, even after trapping and removing a raccoon, another one will come to replace it.

The surest way to discourage animals from staying in your space is to make sure that they have nothing to eat. Raccoons are omnivores and will eat anything from mice, rats, insects, birds, fruits, vegetables, pet food, snails, etc. If you can successfully get rid of all the food that makes up a raccoon’s diet, then you are much closer to completely solving raccoon problems than you know. 

Let’s help you get rid of raccoons!

If you need assistance or guidance when deciding how to prevent raccoons from invading your space, A+ Animal Solutions has the knowledge and experience to help you through the process and decide what is best for your specific situation. At A+ Animal Solutions, we do not believe in poison or lethal traps, as they are often inefficient and inhumane. Instead, we do our best to remove the animal without bringing any harm to it.

raccoon removal

How to Keep Raccoons Away from Your Garden?

Raccoons, like pretty much any other wildlife intruder, are simply uninvited house guests looking for food, water, and shelter. So keeping them away from your garden often begins with reducing the attraction points for these little furry bandits. Dealing with raccoons can be frustrating, and it’s often best to hire professional wildlife removal services if dealing with a stubborn raccoon problem.

But if that is not the case, we do recommend trying the below preventive measures to keep raccoons away from your garden, and generally, from your property.

How can you tell if a raccoon is causing trouble?

If you’re pretty sure that a wild animal has been stirring up trouble in your garden, but aren’t sure whether it’s a raccoon or a skunk or whatever, here are some telltale signs:

  • Five-toed paw prints, which are distinctive to raccoons;
  • Scratch marks on your fence, and nearby trees;
  • Upturned or looted trash cans are also a common sign of raccoon trouble;
  • Feces around your property.

So without further ado, here are some ways in which you can keep raccoons away from your property easily:

  • Put up a barrier.

If you’re growing crops in your garden, then, unfortunately, removing the animal’s main attraction is off the table. However, you can still do quite a few things to make it more difficult to access, such as employing various barrier methods. 

Installing a fence, or netting around your garden can stop sneaky raccoons from getting at your crops. If installing a fence, we also recommend rooting it deep into the ground, so as to also deter other wild animals, such as skunks, which are quite skillful diggers.

  • Protect your trash.

Another common hotspot for raccoons is, as we mentioned, the trash can. And the easier that is to access, the more likely you are to attract wild animals to your property. Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to prevent that. One option would be to bring the trash indoors (usually in the garage or shed) overnight, to deter raccoons from trying their luck.

Another option includes purchasing special sealed trash containers that are only opened by more complex mechanisms. These will allow you to deposit your trash securely while preventing wild animals from shifting the lid or toppling the can.

  • Remove other food and water sources.

Similarly, you want to consider other sources of water and food, such as a pond, or leaky pipe, but also pet food and water bowls left outdoors overnight. And just like your trash cans, you’ll want to bring those in before you go to sleep, so as to not tempt wild animals.

Really, we often complain about wild animal problems without stopping to consider that maybe we wouldn’t have those problems if we didn’t leave out such obvious temptations for them. 

  • Get a dog.

Preferably a big one. Besides all the other obvious benefits of having a dog on your property, they’re also great at keeping raccoons and other wild animals away. While raccoons are fairly resourceful and will do a lot for their food, they’re unlikely to try and take on a big dog over it.

  • Try unpleasant smells.

Harsh scents like ammonia or cayenne pepper are touted as great natural deterrents for most nuisance wildlife, and while the evidence for these is quite limited, they’re still worth a try. 

  • Try a repellent.

Specialty stores now sell all sorts of commercial raccoon sound or light repellents. These are usually motion-activated, and will give off a sharp sound or harsh light when they sense a raccoon moving about.